Thakurgaon Govt. College is one of the most popular College in Thakurgaon district. It is located by the side of Tongan river.There is a diabetics hospital around of it. It is the most popular college in Northern side in Bangladesh. There have about 10 building. those are Academic, Science building,Arts building, Commerce Building,Laboratory, Students common room, Auditorium also.
Thakurgaon Govt College is
the highest peak of educational college in the district of Thakurgaon. There are studying more than 10000 students and having 75 experienced teachers. The
college has been attaining its excellence day by day since its
inception. Students are studying here under 14 Honors, 4 Masters
departments,Degree(Pass) Course and Higher Secondary Course.
Here are some Images of Thakurgaon Govt. college:
Thakurgaon Govt College |
Thakurgaon Government College